Past Events
Here’s one from earlier…
We have been running for quite some time now, and have a history of putting on great events. Below are some of those events!
pgbc 2023
The University of Edinburgh | 12th-13th June
Theme: ‘Futures of Bioethics’
PGBC 2022
University of Bristol | 14th-15th July
Theme: ‘Building Bridges in Bioethics’
PGBC 2021
University of Liverpool/Online | 24th-25th June
Theme: ‘Voices and Values in Bioethics’
You can watch back recordings of PGBC 2021 here.
Beauty, Bioethics, and the Body Workshop 2019
University of Manchester | 30th October
PGBC 2019
Swansea University | 9th-10th September
Theme: ‘Intergenerational Bioethics’
Public Engagement Workshop 2018
University of Edinburgh | 14th December
Theme: ‘Critically Engaging the Public: Why, Who, and How?’
PGBC 2018
King’s College, London | 23rd-24th July
Theme: ‘Bioethics in the Public Square’
PGBC 2017
University of Oxford | 4th-5th September
Theme: ‘Individuals and Populations’
PGBC 2016
University of Bristol | 31st August-1st September
Theme: ‘Bioethics in Theory; Bioethics in Practice’
PGBC 2015
University of Manchester | 7th-8th September
Theme: ‘Binaries in Bioethics: What role should they serve?’
PGBC 2014
University of Southampton | 4th-5th September
Theme: ‘Health Law and Bioethics at the Frontiers of Innovation’
PGBC 2013
King’s College London | 22nd-24th May
Theme: ‘Bioethics in Law and Public Policy’
PGBC 2012
Wellcome Collection, London | 2nd-4th May
Theme: ‘Bioethics and the Body’
PGBC 2011
Wellcome Conference Centre, London | 5th-7th January
Theme: ‘Social Scientific Approaches to Bioethics: Methods and Methodologies’
PGBC 2009
Queen’s University Belfast
Theme: ‘Engaging Bioethics/Bioethics Engagements’
PGBC 2008
University of Manchester
Theme: ‘Challenges at the Interface of Biolaw and Bioethics’
PGBC 2007
Cambridge University
Theme: ‘Why Bioethics? Our Research in Context’
PGBC 2006
University of Birgmingham
Theme: ‘Bioethics: Past, Present, and Future’