Other Opportunities
The Junior Consultant in Data Ethics position will play a critical role in enabling IGS to give robust, reliable, practical and implementable advice to its clients about ethical challenges that they face in: data handling, sharing, linking, protection, governance; machine learning, and AI.
The successful candidate will be able to help clients to identify and mitigate ethical risks associated with their organisational processes and will be able both to provide training in data ethics and support the development of organisational policies for ensuring ethical practice in all aspects of data handling.
The Junior Consultant in Data Ethics will report to the Head of Data Ethics, providing support to and collaboration on IGS’ data ethics advice for its clients.
A key demand of this role will be to be proactive in developing and growing IGS’ data ethics offering. In collaboration with the Head of Data Ethics, the Junior Consultant in Data Ethics will provide thought leadership in data ethics, towards expanding the range of data ethics services that IGS can offer.
This is an exciting role with significant prospects for development and career progression in a dynamic and growing organization at the cutting edge of data governance and ethics consultancy services.
You can find out more about this opportunity here.
postdoctoral research positions in oxford
3 postdoctoral research positions in the Neuroscience, Ethics and Society Team in Oxford, as part of the Wellcome Centre for Ethics and Humanities. The posts cover topics in either neuroethics or in global mental health ethics. Co-design approaches are at the heart of most of their work, and theoretically rich research expertise in this area is very welcome.
You can find out more about each post here:
Postdoctoral Researcher Global Mental Health Ethics and Co-Design
Postdoctoral Researcher Global Mental Health Ethics
Postdoctoral Researcher – Collective Moral Development
EACME Visiting Scholarship Exchange Programme
The European Association of Centres of Medical Ethics offers financial support for researchers and students who are moving from one EACME centre to another for their research.
The creation of ties with researchers from differing European countries is especially important for the development of an individual research project of a young researcher. In a unified European context, young researchers have an even greater need for international contacts that will allow them to position their own project beyond national boundaries in an international framework. Through exchanges with colleague-researchers from other European countries, young researchers broaden their personal and scientific horizons, which can lead to an enrichment of their own academic vision.
You can find out more about this opportunity here.
General Medical Council Consultations
A wide range of views and opinions makes for a good consultation. The GMC recognises the importance of involving people in their policy process. By signing up, you will be able to take part in consultations on a range of health-related issues, which can be great practice!
You can register to take part in consultations here.
Healthcare Information for All
HIFA exists to promote global provision of basic healthcare information, enabling people to protect their own health and the health of others. There are a range of ways to get involved in their ambitious but hugely important work, such as joining forums and projects.
You can find out more about opportunities to get involved here.
The Hastings Center Visiting Scholar
The Hastings Center, Garrison NY
The Hastings Center hosts scholars from varied backgrounds; academia, medicine, law, and the media. It is a great chance to spend a few weeks surrounded by others with an interest in bioethics, whilst working on independent research.
For those with limited access to research support, there is the possibility of a partial accommodation subsidy from the Phyllis and Albert Sussan Fund.
There is also The Emily Murray Student Scholarship, which provides one week of free accommodation at The Hastings Center to pursue a research interest.
You can find out more or apply here.
You can also hear what a recent scholar has to say here.
Yale-Hastings Center Visiting Scholar
The Hastings Center, Garrison NY, and Yale Interdisciplinary Center for Bioethics, New Haven CT
What's better than researching at one leading bioethics center? Researching at two!
There is the opportunity to divide your time between both The Hastings Center and Yale University's Interdisciplinary Center for Bioethics. This will also give you access to library facilities at the university, as well as being part of another fantastically interdisciplinary environment.
For those with limited access to research support, there is the possibility of a partial accommodation subsidy from the Phyllis and Albert Sussan Fund.
You can find out more or apply here.
NIH Department of Bioethics Fellowship
Available at both post-baccalaureate and post-doctoral levels, these two-year fellowships give participants the opportunity not only to learn many aspects of bioethics, but support to develop and implement an independent scholarship agenda.
There will be weekly seminars, case conferences, ethics consultations, and IRB deliberations. A typical fellow's research results in multiple first-authored publications in journals.
Fellows will receive a stipend towards living costs.
You can find out more or apply here.
Post-Bacc Training in Biomedical Ethics Research
The Mayo Clinic Biomedical Ethics Program seeks applicants for a one-year post-baccalaureate research experience in empirical bioethics research, as part of the Mayo Clinic Graduate Research Employment Program (GREP). Students will participate in educational activities and conduct bioethics research in a mentored environment.
Applicants must be US citizens or permanent residents. They must also have completed coursework in bioethics or a closely related discipline, and be pursuing medical/graduate school admission.
You can find out more here.