Nuffield Council on Bioethics Horizon Scanning/Bioethics Futures Workshops
These workshops aim to identify advances in research and societal and ethical issues. Workshops happen semi-regularly.
You can find out more here.
Writing Workshop 2023
Although essential to Bioethics work, writing can be a particularly isolating part of academic and professional life. The residential writing workshop aims to provide a creative and collaborative space in which its members can explore challenges and ideas around their written work, benefitting from the community’s interdisciplinary, intergenerational wisdom as well as a group session with a professional writer. We will work and eat together, engaging in a mix of structured and freer activities that empower attendees in their writing journey with attention to a range of styles and needs.
This in-person ‘retreat’ is offered in recognition that such activities may normally be beyond the financial reach of many postgraduates. It is an opportunity to work together, building relationships and benefitting from coaching and peer mentoring in a curated environment. We envisage the in-person event as being the start of an ongoing writing community for postgraduates- offering ways to build confidence and support for their writing practice.
Successful applicants will receive a funded place including one night accommodation, catering and activities. For more details please see:
If you have a workshop you would like us to add to this page, please do let us know.